What Your Cabinet Door Style Preference Says About Your Design Taste

There are many pieces to the puzzle that is kitchen design, one of those pieces being cabinet door style. Although this piece may seem like a minor detail, this choice lays the foundation of what the style of your kitchen will be. If you are in the beginning stages of renovating your kitchen, it’s important to know what style you are going for and what style of door will help you achieve your vision. Follow along as we discuss three types of door styles and what your preference means for your kitchen design taste!

Raised Panel

Raised Panel Kitchen Cabinets

This door style, specially the arched raised panel, was very popular in the 90s. This trend has since been replaced by the more streamlined & simple flat panel. The raised panel door style creates a more traditional looking kitchen. If you are drawn to raised panel door styles, this means that you lean toward traditional design with intricate details.


Slab Kitchen Cabinets

If you are drawn to slab doors, this means that your design taste is more modern. These doors are simple & sleek and create a streamlined kitchen design. The simplicity of the doors allow your kitchen to be minimalistic and for you to use the hardware and countertop as the focal point. 

Flat Panel

Flat Panel Kitchen Cabinets

One of the most popular flat panel doors are shaker doors. Many people are drawn to this door style for multiple reasons, one of them being that this type of door is very versatile. Although flat panel doors create a more modern look in your kitchen, this door is capable of adapting to be all types of styles such as traditional, transitional, contemporary, minimalist, and more! If you are drawn to shaker doors or another type of flat panel door, use the countertop, hardware, and other details to show off your specific design taste. 

There are hundreds of door styles to choose from to achieve the kitchen aesthetic you are going for. If you are interested in viewing what cabinet door styles we have to offer, check out our kitchen portfolio or schedule an appointment to visit our showroom!