Tips for Surviving a Kitchen Renovation

Don’t let the home renovation shows on TV fool you, kitchen remodels are not all rainbows and sunshine. The truth is, kitchen renovations are noisy, inconvenient, and time-consuming, but there’s a reason homeowners everywhere continue to put themselves through it. After the dust clears and the contractors are finally out of your space, your new functional and beautiful kitchen makes the madness all worth it. If you are in the midst of a kitchen renovation and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, don’t give up hope yet! We promise that this too shall pass, and in the end, you’ll be so happy you did it. Follow these three tips to help keep your sanity and survive your kitchen renovation like a pro.

1. Keep an Area of Your Home Construction-Free

If you love cleanliness and organization, then renovations might be your worst nightmare. In order to keep your sanity, make sure you are keeping an area of your home free from the construction and clutter. Let this area of your home be your sanctuary and a place you can escape to when you are feeling a little overwhelmed.

2. Set Up a Temporary Kitchenette

Everyone knows that the kitchen is the hub of the home, but you’ll really understand its significance to everyday life when you don’t have one - trust us. If you’re like most of us, you probably do not have the budget to eat out every night while your renovation is going on, so we suggest setting up a temporary kitchenette area with all the essentials. Some essential kitchenette appliances include a coffee maker, toaster, microwave, slow cooker, a mini fridge, and a portable electric grill. You’ll also want to have a working sink that you can use to fill your coffeemaker, clean dishes, etc. while you are going through the renovation process. This temporary setup will be your saving grace while the renovation is going on, so make sure you have thoughtfully planned your makeshift coffee and cooking area in your home while your kitchen is getting its makeover.

3. Be Prepared!

Make sure you are prepared to have very simple meals during your renovation. Having foods such as sandwich meat, salads or something you could easily heat up in your microwave for your dinners will help you save time and money during this time. The key is the less you have to clean up, the better - so having plasticware & paper plates on hand will help too.

It may seem like this part of your life will never be over, but we promise, it will be over before you know it! Kitchen renovations are hard, and they will test your patience, but you will get through it and love your home even more in the end! If you want to learn more about how we can help you update your kitchen cabinets and give you the kitchen of your dreams, contact us today!